Sunday, August 3, 2014

A goodbye letter to SP Rovers

Dear SP Rovers,

Congratulations to the juniors who have been officiated as a Scout of SP Rovers and the Brotherhood today. I’m thrilled to see that this year the Crew has recruited truly dedicated members. SP Rovers today is at its best in many years thanks to your involvement and the passionate seniors’ efforts to introduce and uphold what is lacking in the Scouts scene in Singapore nowadays. The Crew would set a good example to other troops/crews, not what it means to be a school-based uniformed group, or some “adventure club”, but what it truly means to be Scouts.

For many of you, this is the last time you’re gonna see me, and the last time I’m gonna see you. I’m gonna miss you guys badly. The past 5 months with you has been wonderful. No words can describe how your batch has in many ways become a Scout’s dream come true for me. So if you’ve noticed I’ve been a bit down in the past few weeks, it was not just because of all the nonsense I had to go through to make my ultimate dreams come true, but the thoughts of leaving you guys have been heartbreaking. I love you guys, because here I finally see something I’ve always wanted in all my adolescence and years in Scouts- the kind of culture of activities and a close sense of brotherhood/community that makes Scouts such a unique movement. And now I’m about to give it all up
. :'(

And speaking about feeling down, I apologize that I’ve shown you some of my dark and insecure side. Admittedly I was weakened by one of the worst crisis I ever gone through. It is not intended as a good example I should set as an alumnus. But you know, it shows that I trusted you guys enough to be open about my feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc., regardless of our ages, experiences, etc., because I’ve been more committed to becoming one of you rather than as one of your ancestors (LOL!) as that’s how I want to build camaraderie with you. Actually, you guys have also somewhat witnessed a small period of growth in my life where I had been confronting my old fears and demons (if you know what I’m talking about from my stories) and that’s why I’m a bit of a better person today because of the time spent with you all.

This Friday/Saturday, you will witness what would be the greatest moment of my life so far- realizing a lifetime dream. College life in a great school like Indiana University- Bloomington and a whole new world of endless opportunities and heights in life it could bring me- I couldn’t be more excited. My life story has been one of an “anything is possible” attitude and persistence.

I wish SP Rovers the very best in its keeping the BP Spirit alive and every one of you to live the full potential of your lives. I am proud to have been able to call you all one of my own people, and it has been a Scout honor to have known you. And to the new Rovers, some of your seniors are firm about Scout standards and traditions for a reason. Part of a true Scout culture is to have these standards and traditions as your second nature. I wouldn’t want to come back years later and see nothing in your juniors. But at the same time, I learned that we need to communicate better with each other instead of about each other. Some of you know what I mean. I hope to come back and see the greatness developed in the Crew and within yourselves that will make you proud to identify yourselves as Scouts.

Ok, I’ve talked too much already
:). There’s nothing else for me to say. I beg of you...please make every effort to communicate with me over Skype! I wanna know what great things you’ll be up to from time to time. My Skype name is ardindelmundial. And I would love to see you at the airport if you can make it to my departure. Or in Bloomington, Indiana, USA itself :). But till we meet again in life,
Take care.

Your alumnus-in-Rovering

Jia Xiong